Acupuncture Services


Initial Consultation Acupuncture + Electro ACU

Going through special needs on physical, mental, or spiritual, after initial consultation and assessment, your practitioner will take you on a journey of specialized trigger point deep massage or myofascial release and acupuncture session with electroacupuncture for a speedy recovery.

60 Min $145


Follow Up Services


Pain Management with Acupuncture

Want to relieve aches and pains, this Acupuncture / Acupressure massage treatment is for you. This pain management therapy will reduce and help eliminate chronic back, neck, shoulders, and joints pain.

50 Min $130

Stress-free Acupuncture

Melt away stress and worries with this deeply relaxing form of acupuncture. By focusing on specific acupoints, the healing touch will refresh the mind, body, and soul.

50 Min $130


Weight-Loss & Detox

Having trouble shedding those extra pounds? This acupuncture treatment will help you lose weight safely and effectively by decreasing your sugary cravings & speed up your metabolism.

50 Min $130


ACU-Facial Rejuvenation

A rejuvenating and nourishing face treatment without undergoing an invasive procedure. This natural approach to anti-aging uses acupuncture/acupressure to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

50 Min $130


CUPPING (with or without Acupuncture)

Consider this needle-free therapy. The skin is lifted through suction cups, bringing blood to the surface. Helps improve circulation and reduces tight muscles. Cupping combats pain in multiple areas of the body, benefits the lungs, coughs, and asthma. Some painless discoloration within the skin is to be EXPECT after this service.

 50 Min $130

Acupuncture + Craniosacral Therapy

Try this exclusive therapy, a subtle and gentle light touch therapy of cranial bones, the sacrum, and energy active point’s therapy to enhance chronic tension by deeply relaxing and balancing the central nervous system.

50 Min $ 130


Purchase a series of 5 Acupuncture 50- minute services of $585 (save 10%)
Purchase a series of 8 Acupuncture 50- minute services of $895 (save 15%)

Purchase a series of 10 Acupuncture 50- minute services of $1055 (save 20%)


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